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Ceramic Statue Urn

Product code: UFU-UGK045

Pack size: 1

  • This ceramic statue urn has a distinctive sculptural quality and is suitable for a small amount of ashes. It features a gold heart and has space for a tealight candle, allowing either a small group or individual the opportunity to use the symbolism of a burning flame to focus thoughts upon memories of a loved one.
  • The appearance of this urn may make it appropriate for containing a token amount of ashes of two special people, who were together in life and who would wish to remain together in death.
  • Please note that this product is not a stock item but is available for special order. Please allow 2-3 weeks for despatch.
Height   22cm
Weight   1kg
Capacity   0.75 litres
Material   Ceramic
Closing   Plug at bottom, sealed with adhesive

£260.00 + VAT